Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Moving the BED

The step by step instruction i have done up for Chris, Colin and Jeff

In about 15 hours time, we will be removing the frame of our broken bed from our room so that both Mommy and Daddy can sleep together on the same bed once again. We have been separated because of this for the past 5 months of Mrs Wong's pregnancy and now FINALLY we have got a date and time from the Masters on when we can have the bed removed.

The Bed is so nice, even better when my Mrs Wong is beside me....nowadays i sleep alone on the really sux
Doing anything to the bedroom is a HUGE NO NO for the CPS ( Chinese Pantang Society ). Even my mother is weary of this and is also a bit concerned about moving the bed. But sleeping 5 months apart from the one i love most is just too much, there must be a way around it!

The God Damn Crack!

And so today is it!! 2nd March 2011 from 5pm - 6pm, the "Toy Sun" God of Children wont be in the bedroom. Rumours has it that he will be chillin in the kitchen so it will be ok to move the bed during those times. Its really a BFD, if you know what i mean

I just cant wait to sleep on the same bed again.....

This also could mean that Jr wanted mommy all for himself for the first 5 months therefore he had pre-arranged with the Toy Sun for this to happen. 5 months is enuff boy, your daddy needs your mommy too so Im getting this fixed 100%. The trick here is, both me and Mrs Wong are not allowed to be in the house when all these are happening.

We had to sought the help of 3 hero's. Uncle Colin, Uncle Jeffrey and Uncle Christopher. I will try to get them to take some pictures of the ordeal so that I can post it up here for all to see..Im FREAKING EXCITED!

1 comment:

  1. what?!! 5 months apart?!!!! u can't even sneak into wifey's room?!!! that's shit....ok first time i heard about this bed thing though....
